Premiered at The Rotterdam International Film Festival (IFFR 2008), the film Beware Dogs captures two days in the life of four eclectic musicians and their struggle to create music. Across the city, in a house dating back to a Delhi long forgotten, four musicians have a song to weave. Indian Ocean, as the band is called, is a bit of the modern city in itself. They draw myriad folk & local traditions fusing them with the sound of the contemporary, creating music, which is diasporic.
In one quiet January afternoon the film lives the lyrical mood of four artists and shares their travails of creating and transforming their own music as they laugh, grimace and sway tying the pieces that go on to become a new song. Beware Dogs holds a band in a moment where friendship, togetherness and music reside.
“The film offers a fascinating sneak peak into the mind of Indian Ocean - in the course of a day.”
- Rolling Stone
“Beware Dogs captures the popular music band, Indian Ocean. Indian Ocean is one of the most exciting music groups of the contemporary South Asian scene exploring an intriguing crossover of eastern and western styles through folk, rock, fusion. The film is a witness of the struggle the four eclectic musicians go through as they create new material. They are together in their artistic journey in an inspiring house in old Delhi, sharing their inner joys, fear, thoughts, and putting it all in their music. With a lyrical pace, in a cinema verite manner, the film shares with us the excitement and the inner battle of the process of creating music.”
- IFFR 2008
“With a lyrical, rather slow pace, yet in a cinema verite manner the film shares with us the excitement and inner battle of the process of creating music”
“In this very loosely structured film with a quiet poetic cinematic style, we witness the struggle of four musicians to create new material”
IFFR, 2008
“The film lets the musicians be the people they are, even the sound has a natural live feel to it.”
- Shubha Mudgal, Mint, Hindustan Times
“A poetic and exciting documentary on the contemporary music group Indian Ocean”
– Rada Sesic, IFFR, 2008
World Premiere: International Film Festival, Rotterdam, 2008